
외국인 전임교원 특채 ‘공개세미나 및 공개수업’ 안내


외국인전임교원특채 공개세미나 및 공개수업

11() 9:30, 교육103관심있는 모든 분 참여 가능


교육학과(학과장 염민호)가 외국인전임교원특채에 응모한 최종후보자(Dr. Robert Otto Davis)를 대상으로 공개세미나와 공개수업을 실시한다오는 11(오전 9시 30분부터 1시간 동안 교육융합관 103호에서 진행되는 이번 공개세미나 및 공개수업은 관심 있는 분들에게 공개되며 영어로 진행된다연구세미나 주제는 컴퓨터기반 환경에서 가상인간의 비언어적 의사소통(Virtual Human Nonverbal Communication in Computer-based Environment)’ 이며 공개수업 주제는 인문사회과학 영역 선도학술지 논문작성법(Introducation to Scholarly Writing for High Impact Journals in Social Sciences and Humanities)’이다교육학과는 현재 수행 중인 ‘4단계BK21(플로리싱 교육전문가양성사업단)’의 성공과 전남대학교의 국제화역량을 제고하기 위한 방편으로 외국인전임교원을 특별채용하는 절차를 진행 중에 있다최종 후보자에 오른 데이비스 박사(Dr. Davis)는 현재 한국외국어대학교 영어언어학/언어공학(English Linguistics & Language Technology, ELLT)학과의 부교수로 재직 중이다데이비스 박사는 University of Florida에서 교육공학 전공으로 박사학위를 취득했으며 해외 선도학술지에 다수의 연구논문을 출판하고 있다.


Faculty Candidate Presentation, Open to the Public

11th (Wed) 9:30-10:30, Education Building Room 103


The Department of Education (Chair, Dr. Minho Yeom) is hosting an open seminar and class for the final candidate (Dr. Robert Otto Davis), who applied for the special recruitment for a full-time international professor (tenure track). This faculty candidate presentation is scheduled on Jan. 11th (Wed) at 9:30 a.m. for 1 hour in Room 103 of the Education Convergence Building and is open to the public. We encourage professors and graduate students to participate in this presentation. The research seminar's theme is 'Virtual Human Nonverbal Communication in Computer-based Environment,' and the subject of the open class is 'Introduction to Scholarly Writing for High Impact Journals in Social Sciences and Humanities).' The Department of Education is currently hiring a full-time international professor to improve the internationalization capabilities of Chonnam National University and the success of the 'Fourth Stage BK21 (Institute of Flourishing Education)'. Dr. Davis, the finalist, is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of English Linguistics & Language Technology (ELLT) at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Dr. Davis received his Ph.D. in educational technology from the University of Florida and has published numerous research papers in leading international journals.


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